KST Series Automatic Window Opener
Window Controls For Skylight Windows/ Roof lights

Automatic Skylight Window Modular
w/ Window Frames
This product is a set of Modular Skylight Window with KST Automatic Window Opening Mechanism. The bottom aluminum frames were made special structures, which could keep great natural vent when the window was closed.
(Modular from First Metal Product Industrial Co., Ltd.)
Opening Area: 0.75*1 square meter (8.073 square ft)
Opening Angle: about 45 degrees
Roof Type: either on RC or corrugated sheet
U.S. Pat. No. 9,772,114 B2

Automatic Skylight Opening System
Installed KST Automatic Window Opening System as window controls on skylight windows or roof lights.
The Automatic Window Opening System
Can be Installed in...
Actuators For Skylight Windows
If you need to consult about Automatic Window Opening Systems. Please send us the window drawing with dimensions. Our team will contact you soon!
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