Electric High-level Windows In A Store

The convenience store is located in the north of Taiwan. The weather is humid all year round in Keelung. The constructor chooses to use stainless steel window frame. They also added electric window openers based on KST-A01 for operating these windows. With a natural vent, it can balance humidity without any electrical appliance.

Solutions For Short Windows
Since the windows' height was too short, we installed KST-A01 linear actuators with only 150mm travel length. With the help of special holders for KST-A01 linear actuators, people could open these windows to about 60 degrees.

Basic information about the case of a convenience store
Located: Keelung, Taiwan
Year of installation: 2019
Application of linear actuator: natural ventilation with electric awning windows, smoke vent,
Type of window actuator: KST-A01 linear actuator.
Type of window: Top hung windows, Outward opening windows
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